Delivery Policy

A. General policy
  • ThaiTuan Online offers free shipping within Ho Chi Minh City for orders of 3,000,000 VND or more. Orders under 3,000,000 VND will cost you 22,000 VND in shipping fees.
  • For customers in other provinces/cities, shipping will be free for orders of 3,500,000 VND or more. Orders under 3,500,000 VND have a shipping fee of 22,000 VND.
  • The only method is standard delivery from 1 - 5 days depending on the area. See details in the table below
AreasConditionsShipping FeeDelivery Time
HCMC ≥ 3.000.000đMiễn phí1-2 ngày
< 3.000.000đ22.000đ1-2 ngày
Others≥ 3.500.000đMiễn phí3-5 ngày
< 3.500.000đ22.000đ3-5 ngày
  • Delivery time from 8:00 - 18:00, from Monday to Saturday (except holidays and Tet according to Vietnamese state regulations)
  • Delivery area: 84 provinces and cities in Vietnam.
Other notes: Orders are supported for free redelivery within 2 times from the first unsuccessful delivery. In case of unsuccessful delivery 3 times for reasons coming from the Customer. The order will be automatically canceled. Customer creates a new order in case he wants to redeliver. ThaiTuan Online does not support shipping fees for these cases.

B. Goods packaging standards
  • Packed in outer cartons (except for products that are difficult to break and deform such as clothes, fabrics...)
  • Fragile goods should be tightly wrapped and reinforced with foam, foam, or newspaper inside the packaging box to ensure they do not break during transportation.
  • Goods containing liquids need to be wrapped in waterproof packaging before packaging
  • For special goods such as liquids, fragile goods, easily dented goods, etc., a "Fragile goods" warning must be posted on the outside of the packaging.
C. Delivery process
  • Customers' orders are received and processed by ThaiTuan Online within 24 working hours
  • Prepare goods according to Orders.
  • Packing goods
  • Hand over to the shipping unit
  • Shipper receives the package and transports it to the Customer
  • Collect money (in the form of COD)
  • Complete the order
Note: Customers please record a video of unpacking the goods as a basis for comparison in case the Customer requests to refund/cancel/exchange/return the Order.

D. Responsibilities of the parties
ThaiTuan Online and the shipping unit cooperating with ThaiTuan Online are fully responsible for supporting and handling issues that arise related to orders during the process of shipping orders to ThaiTuan Online's customers.
  • ThaiTuan Online is responsible for ensuring that goods are packaged correctly and includes an Order Information Sheet inside the package.
  • The shipping unit cooperating with ThaiTuan Online is responsible for ensuring that the order is delivered intact to the customer. Documents verifying the goods are placed inside the package by ThaiTuan Online.
  • In case there is a delay in delivering defective goods from us, ThaiTuan Online will send a notification to customers via call/text/email to extend the delivery time. In case you wish to cancel your order for this reason, ThaiTuan Online accepts and supports you.
  • In addition, Customers are responsible for providing complete and accurate delivery information including: Name, Phone Number, Address, ... to make order payments and comply with regulations on regulations. ThaiTuan Online books that we have announced at website
  • In case you have any request to change the information provided, please contact hotline +84 939 901 166 for support.
ThaiTuan Online
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